Write It On A Rock

Faith and Family
January 23rd, 2012 by Sarah

The Purpose of Parenting

Seven months ago we found out that we are expecting our fourth baby.

Experiencing my three other children go from an idea in my head, to an ultrasound picture, to the little people each of them has become, has dramatically increased my awareness of what a miracle this little 10 ounce baby inside me really is!

For some reason, with this pregnancy, I’ve found myself worrying more. I worried that I would miscarry or that something would go wrong with the pregnancy, along with worries about the baby’s health.

However, this worry has driven me to God in a new way.

1 Peter 5 says to cast your anxieties on God, and as I’ve done that God has reminded me of two things.

First, He’s reminded me that He doesn’t make mistakes. God uses all things for the good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

And second, He’s reminded me about the purpose of parenting.

Colossians 1:16 says, “All things have been created through him (Jesus) and for him.” Every person created on this earth is created for God, to show who he is.

He gives us our little ones as a gift, but essentially they are first and foremost His to be taught about Him.

As I thought about our next baby and the worries that sometimes creep into my mommy brain I wrote this letter to him/her.

Little Baby Strand, I haven’t met you yet. I don’t know if you are a boy or a girl. I don’t know if you’ll have red hair like your brothers, dark like your auntie, or blonde like your sister. You may be colicky, hyper, or easy going, or spirited. You might like sports or maybe music or art. I wonder these things in anticipation of the beautifully and wonderfully made creation you are. I wonder as well if you will be born with something like blindness, Down’s syndrome, or a genetic disorder.

You see, it doesn’t matter to me if you have any of the above because God has made you perfect the way that you are. I don’t believe that God makes mistakes, and I will not label you in a limiting way. You are being created in my womb right now by God and for Him. I cannot wait to find out more about you, to teach you about the One who made you. I am excited to tell you that God made you “for such a time as this,” and to train you in the way you should go.

Baby Strand, this world values certain looks over others, learning styles and gifts more than others, but I want you to know that God is knitting you together right now exactly the way He wants you to be. I love you already, and I will love you as long as I live.

Your Mommy

It is freeing to think that our job as parents is not to try to mold our children into what we think they should be. Our children are not accessories given to us to make us look good by the sports they play or the grades they receive. We can trust an all-powerful God that He has created our children with unique gifts to be used for Him.

Whether our child has a easy time learning, has a strong-will, learning disability, an outgoing or shy personality, our goal is to bring out their gifts, but also to teach them about the power of God. Power that uses our weaknesses to show His strength.

Read Bible stories about God’s power to your children and relate it to their lives. Affirm the gifts you see in your children, and encourage them in ways that they can develop and use them. And, pray for your children that Jesus’ power will become real to them even through their weaknesses.

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