I share in my last post that I am working on dealing with stress in a healthier way. In light of that, I wrote this post for the EBC Marriage and Family Blog, but wanted to share with you as well.
A few months ago I could not find my iPod anywhere. I use it mainly to listen to the Bible or sermons when I am getting things done around the house or falling asleep at night. I felt semi lost without it.
In the meantime I had been, and still am, working on trusting God in all areas of my life including little annoyances. Sometimes the finest details of my life, the silliest little things are the things that throw me over the edge and cause arguments.
I for some reason always have an opinion on what route Jason should take to get to our designation when I’m in the passenger seat. Yes I’m one of those. And, if he takes the wrong way and we get stuck in traffic I find myself really irritated, as if the five extra minutes would have drastically changed my life.
I think at the heart of the issue is that I want to control my little world. I want my day to go as I have planned. And that plan does not ever include unexpected traffic, honey spilt all over the floor, or a temper tantrum given by my two-year-old when I am trying to get out the door.
How much better would our family life be if we gave each other grace and did not get uptight with one another on small and large matters?
I want to have patience with my family and with the frustrations that come about during my day, but it’s difficult.
Hebrews 11:6 is one of my favorite verses. It says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Think about that for a second.
What pleases God? Out of so many things we could do to please Him it is faith.
Faith is proved in our actions on a daily basis. As silly as it sounds I have been internally reminding myself to trust God with the phrase, “just go with it.” If I’m running late, “just go with it.” Kids have another cold virus, “just go with it.” I am not going to be able to control every area of my life so I might as well just get over it.
If I really believe that God will bring good out of all things, then I can trust Him with every single detail of my day and life.
So, the iPod. One of my sons has a habit of getting out of the bath or shower and then running around without drying himself off, leaving puddles to follow wherever he goes. On a recent occasion I sat down in our baby’s light blue glider and felt water seep into my pants. My son had went right from the bath to the chair hoping the chair would dry him off.
In my head I thought, “just go with it,” then I politely asked my son to dry himself with a towel next time he gets out of the bath. He apologized. I normally may have spoken in an annoyed tone of voice, but this time I used a soft tone, flipped over the seat cushion and there under the cushion lay the iPod that I had just asked God to help me find. Hidden under a small annoyance lay an answer to prayer.
What are some details of your life that you find yourself trying to control and how would you and your family and benefit if you trusted God with every day living?