Write It On A Rock

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Archive for the ‘Our Family’ Category

May 1st, 2012 by Sarah

From Weary to Strengthened

Last fall, while I was pregnant with Jasper, our fourth baby, I was having one of those long difficult days where everything seemed to go wrong, and I was exhausted from the pregnancy.

I made it to the afternoon and as I rocked my daughter by her crib before nap time I realized it was the first quiet moment I had had all day.  It was like I forgot that I could call on God and had been scurrying around aimlessly all day.

I whispered a quick prayer for Isabelle in her ear and then one for myself as well.  I prayed, “Lord, I am so weary, please give me your strength.”

I laid Isabelle down in her crib and ran downstairs to round up my two boys.  It was not a minute after I whispered my plea to God that I stepped outside, and up in the sky an eagle came soaring over our heads.

“An eagle!”  Micah and I both yelled.  We ran through the grass watching it until it perched on a branch in front of us.  I had never seen an eagle in the wild before and it was beautiful.  Right when I saw it my prayer came to the forefront of my mind and I remembered a verse about eagles.

It says, “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40:30-31.

I have carried that verse with me throughout these last months, but still I forget often.

We are in the midst of a trial at the moment.  Only five days in and I am weary.  I have taken my stress out on my husband at certain times, and I have worried when I should have prayed.  I was reminded of that last night of how faithful God is, and that He will bring good out of this.

God wants us to trust Him, and how quickly we forget in our current trial that He was faithful in our last.  I went to bed last night reminding myself of God’s faithfulness and He showed Himself so evident today.  It wasn’t free of hardship, but wow was He evident.

In fact, this morning I opened up a letter from one of the children we sponsor through Compassion International and the verse our child wrote at the end of the letter was Isaiah 40:30-31.  I needed that reminder.  Hope in the Lord Sarah and your strength will be renewed.

Then I read this quote by  J.I. Packer.  “The weaker we feel, the harder we lean. The harder we lean, the stronger we grow spiritually, even while our bodies waste away.”

It is not bad to feel weak, and it is inevitable to go through trials.  God doesn’t tell us the outcome of our situation because when He doesn’t we wait on Him.  We long to hear His voice.

God knows what He’s doing and we can trust Him in the midst of hardship, asking Him for help and strength.  I am constantly growing in this, but I want to lean hard on Him.  I want to hope in God’s promises and in so doing experience the strength that only He can give.

“So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. 11 All power to him forever! Amen.”  1 Peter 5:10


March 17th, 2012 by Sarah

Baby Cuteness


Some of you have asked if Hudson has adjusted to the fact that Jasper was born as an infant and not a “boy.”  Yes, he has!  In fact, out of all of the siblings, Hudson plays with Jasper the most.  He will sit and talk with Jasper.  He’ll bring him toys that Jasper’s not old enough to play with and he loves to hold him.

Jasper is already five weeks old.  Everyday I try to take a little time to lay down with him.  I know that,”it goes fast” is a cliche but I really know what that means with the newborn stage.

Sometimes I sleep next to him, with his little breath breathing onto my neck.  Or I just lay next to him and look at his little cheeks.

I have so much that needs to be done, but I know how fast this newborn stage goes.  I wish I could bottle up the smell of his almost bald head, the feeling of his soft hands, and the sound of his little noises.

To think that weeks ago he was in my womb.  Amazing.  Complete miracle.

It seemed like a long, hard pregnancy, but I look at what it created and it is more than worth it.  I love the seasons like right now, when I wish I could freeze time.  Yet I know that difficult seasons produce blessings like this.

I obviously prefer the good season to the hard, but sometimes it takes the hard to get to the good, and as I look at Jasper that is what I’m reminded of.


February 21st, 2012 by Sarah

Baby Jasper’s Here!

Wow, Jasper’s two weeks old and as my friend Shannon puts it, “it seems like he’s always been here.”  What a sweet baby boy he is.   He was born February 7th at 2:28.   Labor and delivery went so well, and what a wonderful surprise it was to have another boy.  Three boys and one girl.  We are so thankful!
I had gone back and forth between whether it was a boy or a girl, but the last three weeks of pregnancy I really thought we were having a girl because of the way I was carrying.  What a fun surprise when Jason said it was a boy.  I really did not care if he was a boy or a girl but loved the surprise!  There is nothing like that moment of meeting the little kicker who I’ve been praying and waiting for the last eight months.
The kids are doing awesome with Jasper, and I am amazed at God’s grace and answers to prayer.  Micah and Hudson have been playing so well together allowing me the time I need to nurse and take care of Jasper.  Isabelle is two, and loves Jasper as well.  She gets in his face a little too much, but we’re working on thatl.  I feel so blessed, and am so thankful for our children.
I never would have thought I could do this six years ago, but God has given me more of a capacity than I ever imagined.  His grace is enough for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness!
I was having the baby blues for a few days worse than I had experienced with any of our other babies.  I felt so blessed and there was nothing to be sad about and yet for a few days it seemed like there was a cloud hovering over me.  I cried in the evening about absolutely nothing.  I emailed some ladies from my small group  asking them to pray and the next day I felt like a new person.  I feel back to myself…  a little more emotional than normal but I can handle that.
I am so thankful for supportive family and friends.  They have been so wonderful to bring meals, pray for us, and watch our kids.  I love you all so much!
A friend let me know about a photographer in the area who needed a newborn for a photo shoot.  We were blessed to get free newborn photos of Jasper, and wow is Jessica the photographer talented.  They turned out so cute.  This is a link to her blog with a sneak peak of Jasper’s photos.
One more quick story… it took Hudson a few days to adjust to Jasper because he thought when we said, “it’s a boy,” that meant a four year old boy like him!  Hudson was so disturbed at the hospital.  He was also disturbed that my “tummy isn’t flat.”  I asked him to give me some time, ha ha.  He has since learned that babies do not come out as 40 pounders, leaving mothers with flat tummies, and he is thankful for the addition of a baby, who will become a boy, to the family.