Wow, Jasper’s two weeks old and as my friend Shannon puts it, “it seems like he’s always been here.” What a sweet baby boy he is. He was born February 7th at 2:28. Labor and delivery went so well, and what a wonderful surprise it was to have another boy. Three boys and one girl. We are so thankful!
I had gone back and forth between whether it was a boy or a girl, but the last three weeks of pregnancy I really thought we were having a girl because of the way I was carrying. What a fun surprise when Jason said it was a boy. I really did not care if he was a boy or a girl but loved the surprise! There is nothing like that moment of meeting the little kicker who I’ve been praying and waiting for the last eight months.
The kids are doing awesome with Jasper, and I am amazed at God’s grace and answers to prayer. Micah and Hudson have been playing so well together allowing me the time I need to nurse and take care of Jasper. Isabelle is two, and loves Jasper as well. She gets in his face a little too much, but we’re working on thatl. I feel so blessed, and am so thankful for our children.
I never would have thought I could do this six years ago, but God has given me more of a capacity than I ever imagined. His grace is enough for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness!
I was having the baby blues for a few days worse than I had experienced with any of our other babies. I felt so blessed and there was nothing to be sad about and yet for a few days it seemed like there was a cloud hovering over me. I cried in the evening about absolutely nothing. I emailed some ladies from my small group asking them to pray and the next day I felt like a new person. I feel back to myself… a little more emotional than normal but I can handle that.
I am so thankful for supportive family and friends. They have been so wonderful to bring meals, pray for us, and watch our kids. I love you all so much!
A friend let me know about a photographer in the area who needed a newborn for a photo shoot. We were blessed to get free newborn photos of Jasper, and wow is Jessica the photographer talented. They turned out so cute. This is a link to her blog with a sneak peak of Jasper’s photos.
One more quick story… it took Hudson a few days to adjust to Jasper because he thought when we said, “it’s a boy,” that meant a four year old boy like him! Hudson was so disturbed at the hospital. He was also disturbed that my “tummy isn’t flat.” I asked him to give me some time, ha ha. He has since learned that babies do not come out as 40 pounders, leaving mothers with flat tummies, and he is thankful for the addition of a baby, who will become a boy, to the family.

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