Write It On A Rock

Faith and Family
August 28th, 2012 by Sarah

Family Change One at a TIme

Two months ago a friend from my woman’s small group went to be with Jesus after a battle with cancer.  She was an amazing wife, friend, and mother to three little boys.  She was admired by many as a godly woman.

At her funeral I was inspired by her life, and the legacy I want to live.  I left wanting to know more Scripture, show hospitality, and encourage others right away when I think something positive about them.  I left wanting to be a better mother and wife and to use my time wisely.

Days after the funeral I found my motivation dwindling like a New Years resolution gone bad.  The things I wanted to do differently were drowned out by old habits.

Isn’t that so common?  We are inspired to change something in our life and it falls by the wayside.  I think for me it was because I had ten things on my  mind that I wanted to change.  I didn’t make realistic goals.  Overwhelming.

Psalm 39:4 says, “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.”  My friends funeral reminded me of this yet again.  Our days here are short.

That week I realized that I may not be able to change everything at once, but when I realized that I had neglected my whole list, I decided to start with just one.

Pick one realistic goal, ask yourself what’s holding you back and make a plan on how it’s going to happen.  That goal will become a habit and then it’s time to move onto goal number two.

This is how it looked for me.

  1. My first goal was to memorize Scripture WHILE teaching it to my kids.  Two goals in one, how’s that for goal setting.
  2. What was holding me back?  I felt like I needed some really creative set up.  I am not artsy, my handwriting is horrible, and I was always losing the memory verse I wrote out.  I have friends who type out and laminate their verse of the week.  This is not me.  It paralyzed me.
  3. I made an easier plan.  Simple… during our bed time routine I take my Bible that’s already in our children’s room and read one passage twice.  That’s it.  Just read it every night twice.  After a week my kids had memorized the Psalm.  A week after they got it I had it down too:).
  4. Tell someone.  If you’re daring, publicly mention it.  It might just hold you accountable.

What is your goal?  Maybe it’s sending a text to your spouse daily letting them know what you admire about them?  Maybe reading the Bible or journaling your prayers.  Maybe you want to make it a goal to thank God for something about your spouse when you find yourself getting critical of them.

Lest I overwhelm you, pick just one that you want to change, and it may just change your whole family.



One Response to “Family Change One at a TIme”
  1. jerome herb says

    I always learn something from your blog (teachings). I’m not too old to change habits and improve. Thanks Sarah!
    Granpa jerry

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