Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary, Jasper turned 4 months old, and Micah graduated from Kindergarten. What a day! Jason and I already celebrated our 10-year last weekend, which was amazing. More on that later.
Even though everyday represents some sort of change I think it’s good to celebrate the markers in our lives, small or large.
We made a big deal of Micah’s graduation today. At dinner Jason listed off some of the ways that Micah has grown since he started school this last September.
Micah has learned to write, read, and count numbers on and on and on. He has lost four teeth, made many new friends, learned to resolve conflict, stay in a straight line and obey teachers.
How seldom I take the time to reflect, and big days like today can help us do that.
Whether these milestones seem insignificant or big I am thankful. Thankful for ten years of marriage, of being faithful to each other. Ten years of learning to choose to work on our marriage, to work on loving each other through the good, bad and mundane.
Every time I take the time to write a card to Jason I am reminded of every reason I married him plus all of the wonderful things I didn’t know I was getting when I married him.
I don’t know about you but I too easily focus on stupid little roommate annoyances or chore battles, and forget that Jason is the most amazing husband I could ever ask for. Or that Micah is such a special, enthusiastic, and lovable little boy.
If I wrote more cards maybe I would tend to see truly how amazing the people are in my life. Maybe I would have more patience with the little annoyances if I stopped to think about all the wonderful attributes each one of my loved one’s possesses.
The toys need to get cleaned up and the chore battles will happen, but I for one am thankful for excuses to write cards, remember and to celebrate.
Sarah; You’re a very wise young lady.
Always be thankful. I’m thankful of you Jason and the kids.
God bless.
grandpa jerry
I love this post! Can’t believe Micah is done with Kinder! Didn’t the school year just begin?! 🙂