Write It On A Rock

Faith and Family
October 18th, 2014 by Sarah

The Music of a Home

This has been a great fall, and we are finally setting into a routine.  I am not naturally structured so we have had to figure out how to fit homework, sports, and showers in for the kids, all the while making sure we are teaching our kids God’s Word and not neglecting the important things. A constant struggle.

Micah started third grade, Hudson first, and Isabelle preschool two days a week.  All three of them adjusted well and I am grateful to see answers to prayer with their teachers and classes.

We rush around in the morning packing lunches and getting breakfast.  It’s not as peaceful as I would like, but I have been putting on praise and worship music in the morning as we’re packing lunches and eating breakfast.

The other morning a redone hymn, “Be Thou My Vision” came on.  For some reason it caused a flash back to my childhood.  When I was young my mom had an album of hymns that we would listen to over and over again.  I remember that album almost by heart.

I was overcome with gratitude for what God has brought me out of.  I remember that shy, troubled girl singing in the back seat of our car so vividly. I am still in awe that God has saved me, that He has adopted me as His child through Jesus even though I do not deserve it.  The benefits of knowing Him are countless.

Music is powerful, especially with children.  Don’t underestimate the influence it has on them.  When I hear one of our kids pass by me singing the lyrics to a worship song it is joy to my ears.

What brought tears to my eyes as I was singing “Be Thou My
Vision,” was a memory of an answer to prayer in my late teens.

Somewhere during the path of my childhood, the praise music playing throughout our house was gone.  It was replaced with a negative atmosphere.

I left for college and was blessed to be at a Christian school where God really changed my life and showed me more of Himself.  When I came home for vacations I was burdened for my family who was not doing well, and I would sometimes go through each family member’s room praying for them.

My prayer for my mom was that praise would return to her tongue, in more ways than just the music she listened to.  As I prayed through the kitchen I prayed that she would listen to praise and worship music while she did the dishes.

Then one summer day I came home, months later, and my mom was doing the dishes listening to worship music.  It took a moment to hit me, but I was blown away that God had answered that prayer already.

My Mom, Dad, sister and brother are doing better than I ever imagined at that time in my life.  My mom is part of a great church and Bible study, she is an amazing prayer warrior.  She prays for me over the phone often and is such an encouragement to our family. Praise fills her home.

It doesn’t matter what the atmosphere in your household is right now, look up to HIm and not at Your circumstances.  God can change an atmosphere, and praising Him is a great start.

Sometimes I don’t have the words to praise.  The Psalms are a great place to start when you don’t have words.  

There is also a lot of music available for free on online stations like ITunes Radio, Pandora or even YouTube.

Some of the praise and worship music I love is, Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, Hillsong Young and Free, Shane and Shane, All Sons and Daughters, and Elevate Worship.

Hope you’re enjoying this amazing Fall weather!



6 Responses to “The Music of a Home”
  1. Jolene Whicker says

    Really enjoyed your blog today Sarah! Worship music lifts our spirits and directs our thoughts. Last week we watched a movie about Rich Mullins life. One of the songs he composed was “Awesome God”. I have enjoyed this worship song so much over the years, but never realizing the life struggles and challenges the composer was going through in his own life at the time he composed this song and many others.

  2. Thank you Jolene! I would love to see that movie, you’ll have to tell me more about it when I see you next week!

  3. Lori Ronayne says

    Thank you for your post! I too like Christian music and I am always signing songs around the house. I remember songs from church from my childhood and sometime I can’t always remember all the words, so I will google them and get the lyrics. I thought it was something weird I did. My 8 yr old daughter and I sing All Night All Day Angels Watching Over Me at bedtime.

  4. Cece herb says

    Sarah loved your blog thank you for all your prayers over the years love mom

  5. Lindsey Christianson says

    Sarah, I’m so grateful for your blog and it helps me since we have a very similar home life with all the kids. Worship music fills my car, but not my home. I’m encouraged to turn it on and pray it brings more peace to my home. Keep posting and I’ll keep reading!!


  6. This is so true. I have been wanting to incorporate music into the daily lives of my children (and myself!) besides just when we’re in the car. I just downloaded Bethel’s new album – We Will Not Be Shaken. It’s so, so good. This is my favorite song on the album…


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